The Next Big Thing in Coffee Maker

Very Best Pour Over Coffee Makers --

Reviews & Buyer's Guide
There's nothing like a pour over coffee maker to get that beautiful aroma
Of freshly brewed coffee in your dwelling.
And of course the coffee tastes amazing -- so much better than instant coffee.
There are hundreds of pour over coffee makers available today and choosing
Which is the best for you and your family members can be a hard job.
With so much information available and the sheer volume of options, it may be

We've spent months researching pour over coffee makers so You don't have

Makers to purchase in 2017 plus a buyer's guide to help you make the ideal option
for you.
Read on to Learn More about:
The advantages and disadvantages of the 9 machines
Who they are best suited to
How to choose the right machine for you and your family

& Review
Before we delve right into the reviews, let's first take a look at the table below.
You will see a quick reference guide highlighting some of the main
Considerations people make when choosing a new pour over coffee machine.
This can help you narrow down your search before diving into the reviews!
Reviews of the Best Pour Over Coffee
Makers - 2017
Below you will find more in depth reviews of each of the models listed in the
Table so that you may have a fuller understanding of each machine.
By using the comparison table, you will already have an idea of the range of

short list down even further.
1. Hario V60 Ceramic Coffee Dripper -- Best of the
"Very hands on brewing allowing you, the user, to control brewing time and

as it brews.
Flow of the water and the temperature of the water, which means you can get
Your coffee exactly the way you like it.

Colours so you're guaranteed to find a design that suits your tastes and décor.
Priced under $20, it's also excellent value for money.
The Good

Customisable to your tastes
Easy to clean
The Bad
You Must buy papers
Getting your preference right can be tricky Initially
Bottom Line
The Hario V60 is Perfect for users who have brewed their own coffee before
And understand how to get their ideal taste using grind, flow and temperature or
Are willing to learn.


bottomed bed for your coffee and a wave design down the filter. It also has a
three hole dripping system.
Together to provide the perfect brewing conditions.

This model is available in stainless steel, glass and ceramic variations so you
Will be able to choose your preferred medium. Coming in at just over $20, it's
Not the cheapest version but it will give out a great tasting cup of coffee every
Time and it's so easy to use that even the most beginner barista will have no

The Good
Easy to use

Fantastic tasting coffee
The Bad

You have to buy papers
Bottom Line
The Kalita Wave is ideal for beginners and experts alike.
Have any experience with making coffee to find a great tasting cup every time
with this design.
3. Bodum 11571-01US Pour Over Coffee Maker

maintaining the natural oils of the ground coffee."

Per pot (the average cup is around 50z).
You don't need to keep thinking about grinding more coffee every time you want
a cup.
It's really simple to use.
Motion to ensure all of the grounds get soaked and then add the rest of the
The built in filter ensures that no essential oils are removed from your coffee
Grounds providing you the full, intense flavour of your coffee.

Add in the fact that you don't need to purchase papers, you can see why it's a winner!
The Good
Very Good price
Makes more than 1 cup
Simple to use
No papers to Purchase
The Bad

You have to fish the filter out before you serve the coffee
Bottom Line
The Bodum Pour Over is great for anyone who wants to make a batch of coffee
Without needing to spend a fortune on a larger pour over dripper.
4. Bartelli Paperless Pour Over Coffee Dripper

The Bartelli Paperless obviously doesn't require paper filters making sure you
don't lose any of your flavour and saving you money on buying paper filters.
The small holes in the filter ensure that no grounds drop into your cup,
Regardless of how fine you like to ground your coffee beans.
The dripper is made to fit most cups and it will even fit most carafes, which
Means that even though this is technically a single serve dripper you may make
More than one cup at a time. You Will Have to re-add coffee for each cup though
So it really is best used for one or two cups at a time.
The Good

Sturdy and built to last
Dishwasher friendly
The Bad

It's quite slow to brew
Bottom Line
The Bartelli Paperless is Great for anyone who doesn't mind spending the extra
To acquire a good quality product that lasts.

5. Osaka Pour Over Drip Brewer

experience. Each One of their products is sleek and attractive to display and
Will work better than anything else."
The Osaka is a great product.

The jug won't leave any nasty taste in your coffee and it is both dishwasher and
Microwave safe (although let's be real here -- if you want good tasting coffee,
You don't zap it into a microwave!) .
The carafe Includes a heat resistant collar That's a great idea as it means
You are able to hold the carafe straight away and pour a coffee while it's still piping hot

This machine retails at around $50. Although pricey, it does make a Great cup of
Coffee and the ease of earning multiple cups at the same time and the heat
Resistant collar make it worth the extra cash.
The Good

hands safe

No need for paper filters
The Bad
The glass carafe is a little flimsy and can crack quite easily if knocked.

Bottom Line

To get a excellent tasting coffee. It's particularly good for larger families who prefer
To brew a pot of coffee rather than a single serve cup.
6. Melitta Ready Set Joe Single Cup Pour Over
Coffee Brewer -- Best Budget Pick
"The Melitta 64007B single cup coffee filter cone is not glamorous but it is the
easiest, cleanest and most economical way we know to brew a phenomenal cup
of coffee at home."
Really what the brand themselves say about the Melitta coffee brewer says it all.
This no frills pour over coffee maker isn't much to look at, but really, who
cares? It makes great tasting coffee and it's quick and simple to use. It's also
dishwasher safe.
You Need to buy papers for this one, but when it retails for less than $6, it's
Going to take a while before purchasing the filters even comes close to the initial
layout for a permanent filter machine.
The Good
Makes great coffee
Cheaper than some coffee shops charge for one cup of coffee!
Easy to use and clean
The Bad
Requires paper filters
Doesn't look much
Bottom Line
The Melitta coffee brewer is ideal for anyone who puts good value above
aesthetics. This pour over brewer might not look much, but it makes great
coffee and that's surely the most important consideration.
It's the perfect product for anybody on a budget. It'll feel like you've treated
yourself without any of the guilt!
7. Tanors Ceramic Coffee Dripper
"The Tanors Ceramic Coffee Cone Dripper allows you to maintain complete
control of your pour over brewing experience making your delicious cup of
coffee an art form."
The ceramic used to make the Tanors coffee dripper absorbs the heat allowing
for an even brewing process but the handle remains cool ensuring you can touch
the dripper and remove it when you're ready to.
The dripper is made at a unique angle which promotes an even flow of water
ensuring you get an even, full brew. The large extraction hole allows you to
Control the speed of brew which gives you full control over the taste and
strength of your coffee.
Although in theory it's easy enough to use, It's aimed more at people who have
Used these types of machines before and have a great idea of how the grind of
your coffee affects the brewing process and the taste.
The fast extraction will ensure you get the full taste of your coffee, but that
same extraction also will show any flaws in the coffee, so you should only
Really buy this machine if you are prepared to pay extra to get a high premium
coffee bean.
The Good
Makes a good, consistent coffee
Cheap to buy at under $10
Well made
The Bad
Needs paper filters
Not really suitable for beginners
Bottom Line
The Tanors coffee dripper is a great bargain buy for anyone who understands
the brewing process and uses a premium roast coffee bean.
If you are not confident in how to brew a good cup of coffee, this one might not
Be the best choice for you.
8. Chemex Eight Cup Classic Collection Glass Coffee
Maker --
Best Chemex Coffee Maker
"Known as a pristine coffee maker, Chemex employs all of the chemically
Correct methods for brewing."
Its hour glass shaped flask is made entirely of glass, a chemically inert material
That doesn't absorb odours or chemical residues. The Chemex Glass Coffee
Maker has no moving parts and will work forever unless it is dropped or in
Another way demolished.
Of course you can't think coffee without thinking of Chemex. We tested several
Of their models and we chose this one to feature as it is in fact the finest Chemex
coffee maker available.
It's not cheap, retailing at around the $50 mark, but for a pretty much
indestructible product (unless of course you drop it) it's a bargain really.
The glass jug features a wooden collar to prevent you from getting burned while
pouring your coffee. The wooden collar easily attaches and comes off for
cleaning purposes using a leather tie strap.
The Good
Can brew anywhere up to eight cups of coffee at one time
Top 100 best designed products of modern times by the Illinois Institute of
Makes great coffee with little fuss or waiting time
The Bad
You Must use Chemex branded paper filters which don't come cheap
Bottom Line
This machine is ideal for anyone who sees their coffee machine as an
investment. If your budget allows for this machine, you won't fail in any respect.
9. Primula Single Serve Coffee Brew Buddy
"At Primula they create items by exploring how people prepare beverages in
Various cultures and work to understand the experience and ritual behind these
The Primula Coffee Brew Buddy is nifty little filter that will sit in most cups or
mugs. So easy to use, you simply add your coffee, and pour your water through
it. It can be used to make any strength of coffee simply by adding the amount of
Beans you desire.
As soon as you hit your desired strengths, simply lift the filter out of the cup.
Designed with travel in mind, the Primula Coffee Brew Buddy is small and
compact and perfectly easy to carry around when travelling. It barely takes up
any room and its really lightweight. And of course, you don't need filter papers
so it's one less thing to carry around or source at your destination.
The dripper makes good enough coffee to use as your primary coffee dripper,
But for the cheap price (it retails at under $20) it is also cheap enough to use
Simply when you are travelling.
The Good
Small and light weight
Easy to use
Can make any strength coffee you desire
No filter papers required
The Bad
To really control the strength of the coffee, you need to keep an eye on the
Brewing process so that you can whip it out in time
Not the most attractive pour over coffee maker for the home
Bottom Line
The Primula Coffee Brew Buddy is Perfect for anyone who travels a lot and wants
The home comforts of a good cup of coffee made easy without needing to lug a
larger machine around everywhere.
Pour Over Coffee Makers -- A Buyer's Guide
Below you will find some tips to help you choose your perfect pour over coffee
Maker, tips for getting the best tasting coffee from the machines, and who these
Kinds of machines are best suited to!
Some Tips to Help You Choose the Best Pour Over Coffee
There are many elements to consider when choosing your pour over coffee
dripper. Some of the main elements to Consider are:
Your budget
Decide how much you can afford to spend on the coffee maker Before You Begin
browsing. There is nothing more disheartening than finding your ideal Item
and then learning it's over your budget
How much you already know about the brewing process
If you are pretty savvy when it comes to brewing coffee, or you don't mind a
Trial and error procedure, picking a machine that lets you customise your
Drink can improve your experience a whole lot
Would you like a single serve or a multi serve machine?
If You're the only one who drinks coffee, and you only get through a cup or
Two a day, a single serve is ideal for you.
If you have a Couple of coffee drinkers in the House, or entertain regularly, a multi
Serve may be best suited to you to reduce the time it takes to make each cup
Reusable filter or filter papers?
Filter papers can become expensive over time, and of course it's one more waste
product to justify.
However, if you like the convenience of making your coffee and dumping the
filter rather than having to clean it and reattach it, then paper filters might still
Be your very best choice.
The inconvenience of cleaning the filter can have an impact if you drink a lot of
It has to be said though that the reusable filters do provide a much better tasting
Coffee since they don't extract the natural oils which can soak into paper filters
· Do you have a brand preference?
Obviously if you do have a brand or two you love, it will make the process of
Choosing your pour over coffee maker simpler.
If you're willing to think more widely, However, you will find that sometimes the
cheaper brands do everything your favourite brands do.
Check the reviews before you buy a cheaper brand -- you might just be surprised
to learn that expensive doesn't always mean better!
Top Tips for Getting the Best Cup of Coffee Every
TimeTo really get the most out of your pour over brewer and get great tasting coffee
Each moment, there are a few things you should definitely consider, whichever
model you choose:
Only use freshly ground coffee
The pre-packaged grounds don't have the depth of flavour and aroma that
freshly ground coffee does
Grind your coffee immediately before use
It only takes a few minutes for the beans to begin to lose their flavour. Pregrinding
can be tempting to save time later, but your taste buds will thank you
For those additional couple of minutes!
Use the best quality coffee you can afford
As a rule of thumb, the more premium a roast is (usually darker and oilier) the
Coarser the grind should be, but don't be afraid to experiment a bit and find your
Use the machines as guided
Don't be tempted to purchase cheap filter papers for example. They might work, but
Chances are you'll wind up with grounds in your cup and the coffee won't taste as
good as it should
If you use paper filters, use the ones the manual tells you to use
If you use a reusable filter, don't be tempted to brew more than once without
At least rinsing the filter in between


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